Blast & Paint Services

The work measurement process applicable to blast & paint will measure the following elements: Pre-treatment of surfaces, Surface preparation, and Application of coating as per paint specification.

The units of measurement applicable to blasting & coating will be as follows:

  • Pre-treatment of surfaces – m2
  • Surface preparation – m2
  • Application of coating – m2 for each coat applied

The work measurement methodology applicable to blasting & coating comprises the following steps:

  • The final contract quantities, specifically including duration and costs, and associated detail must be understood as the foundation for the work measurement process.
  • Measurement of the physical work on a project will take place twice daily – around 08h00 to determine night shift production and around 18h00 to determine day shift production.
  • Measurements will be logged on a spreadsheet dedicated to piping and properly referenced to the work area and/or grid plan and/or schedule reference. Adjustments will be made for work measured but which is then not accepted by QC.
  • All measurements must be reconciled against project schedule at timenow and Variation Order Register and also reflect the following:
    • Rate of production
    • The performance data must reflect acceptable DFTs as stipulated by the client
    • Troubleshooting issues
    • Resource forecast especially labour
    • Final QA documents

6Sigma will track and report performance to the client as per our benchmarks indicative for blasting & coating:

  • Hull blasting flat steel per hour per nozzle
  • UHP blasting (water jet) flat steel per hour per nozzle
  • Spraying weather dependent
  • Blasting measurement area mapped & labelled
  • Tank measurement & cleaning area mapped & labelled per hour