Project Management

Project Management

6Sigma Quality Management System follows stringent process and procedures to comply with our ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 and ISO45001:2018 infrastructure. A typical large project follows the following gate-phase approach.

Phase 1 – Bid/Estimation

The Bid/Estimation phase deals principally with the identification of bid opportunities in the marine, oil & gas and other sectors, the receipt and acceptance, where applicable, of relevant RFQs and the management of the bid process so as to secure a forward-load of work consistent with 6Sigma’s business strategies and objectives so as to deliver world class services to our clients.

On receipt of a Request for Quotation (RFQ), the Key Personel of 6Sigma Go/Kill Review procedure and risk assessment.

If a decision is made to quote the RFQ and related documentation is forwarded to estimation, SHEQ and project operations for further consideration and establishment of a Bid Team will take place to develop the bid.

The Bid team will be appointed to manage a specific bid process, comprising estimator, SHEQ representative, project operations representative and planner/scheduler, and an estimate number and file are created.

The Bid Team will hold a meeting or series of meetings pursuant to the decision to quote commencing with the Bid Start-Up meeting using the 6SIGMA Marine Bid Start-Up Meeting Agenda.

Project operations and SHEQ will scrutinize the specifications and, in consultation with the Estimator, provide necessary detail for the establishment of duration, cost and resource requirements for the project, consistent with 6Sigma Estimating procedure and incorporation of the Client’s bid-specific requirements.

Estimator will clarify the RFQ with the Client as required and from that will create a draft estimate from the stipulated specifications, in consultation with project operations and SHEQ. This will incorporate scope of work, risk analysis, WBS, SHEQ requirements including QAP/ITP & HSSE bridging document, resource requirements, P&G costs, work planning, yard operating procedures, contract conditions, assumptions & exclusions, and project organogram.

Estimator will invite suitably-qualified sub-contractors to attend a briefing, using 6Sigma sub-contractors briefing agenda, iro the RFQ under consideration confirmed by 6Sigma instruction to tenderers and, following on from that, to submit bids for selected parts of the project SoW. Clear instructions will be provided as to the proper interpretation of such selected parts of the SoW including risk analysis, WBS, ITPs, work planning, assumptions and exclusions and a project organogram, consistent with 6Sigma requirements.

All HSE and QA/QC influences, requirements and documentation are to be covered in the estimate based on 6Sigma Standard QAP and Standard ITP templates, or as modified according to Client stipulations.

Based on the details contained in the draft estimate, the planner/scheduler will create a plan and schedule (plus additional detail if stipulated in the bid requirements) so as to confirm project duration and to provide a basis for the project budget including sales, costs, margin and resource requirements, as per 6Sigma Estimating Spreadsheet.

The plan will be based on 6Sigma’s execution requirements, but where the client has stipulated work package or activity reference numbers which will be cross-referenced in the project plan. These client numbers will be used for loading in the Planning phase so as to facilitate activity reporting in the Execution phase.

Once the bid team has completed the draft estimate it will be reviewed and confirmed prior to submission to management, using the 6Sigma Procedures.

The Internal Bid Review Checklist template, and converted into an bid submission and/or consistent with client bid stipulations.

After internal review by the bid team, the bid is forwarded to management for final scrutiny, and necessary adjustments as required, before approval.

Once this process is complete the bid will be reviewed formally by management, amended if required, and prepared for finalization. In particular, contract conditions are scrutinized and finalized taking into consideration client stipulations and 6Sigma requirements.

The bid is then signed within the current Delegation of Authority, amended as or if required, and approved.

The bid is then submitted to the client. If the client requires any further clarification of the bid, discussions will be held between the relevant representatives.

If the bid is approved in principle, a finalization meeting is held between the client and 6Sigma to confirm final contract conditions prior to signing off the contract.

Once the contract is signed-off OR a Purchase Order OR a Letter of Intent is received, the Bid File is prepared in terms of the Bid Handover Checklist, for handover to Project Operations and will be completed to ensure all points have been considered before commencement with the Planning phase.

The Project Operations will review the transition from the Bid/Estimation phase to the Planning phase using the 6Sigma Phase Gate Review checklist.

Phase 2 – Project Planning

The Planning phase deals principally with the development of the project plan, schedule and detailed budget, such risk analysis and review as may be required, as well as the finalization of sub-contractor and supplier appointments, resource allocations and labour acquisition requirements, procurement and the establishment of the project baseline plan.

A Project Planning Start-up meeting is held using the 6Sigma Project Planning Start-up Meeting Agenda template. This meeting will include the bid team and representatives of project operations, including the project engineer, PICs and SHEQ, as well as relevant sub-contractors, the client, and applicable Classification Society as appointed.

The Start-up meeting will confirm the project charter as well as all relevant policies, processes and procedures applicable to the project.

The final bid details agreed with, and accepted by, the client will be reviewed and verified to determine the basis for effective planning and scheduling.

The workplan will be finalized to ensure that the work has been fully understood and that applicable WBS, Method Statements, ITPs and WPSs have been identified including any reviews or changes that may be necessary. Notes must be made of client and class approval requirements and how and when these are to be secured, where necessary.

Detailed resource allocations will be verified and confirmed including subcontractor requirements.

A comprehensive project plan and schedule will be developed based on the 6Sigma Planning & Scheduling procedure and consistent with the timeline and budget already agreed with the client, including confirmation of the WBS, network and critical path, and identifying the labour hours required to complete the project schedule including the project S-curve.

A comprehensive project budget will be developed incorporating revenues, costs and cash flows in consultation with commercial representatives.

The procedure will apply back-to-back to all sub-contractors appointed to the project.

Once the agreed revenues, costs and margins have been determined, the project accountant will form part of the baseline plan to be established at the end of this phase. Where the client has provided work package or activity reference numbers. These numbers will used to cross-reference in the plan.

Performance metrics and work measurement standards will be established, using 6Sigma Work Measurement procedure as points of comparison for measuring actual production once project execution commences.

Final decisions will be made regarding the appointment of sub-contractors once the 6Sigma Supplier/Sub-Contractor Management procedure has been applied and completed, including Sub-Contractor Assessment Form and HSSE Requirements for Sub-Contractors.

Final decisions will be made regarding all material requirements and a procurement plan will be agreed upon with commercial representatives.

The details of the site mobilization process will be agreed upon with the Site Mobilization team consistent with the 6Sigma Site Establishment procedure and checklist. Site mobilization will be complete BEFORE the arrival of the rig/vessel.

Final decisions will be made regarding the details of communication and reporting processes, applicable also to sub-contractors, including:

  • Daily Morning Meeting.

  • Schedule Review Meeting at least 3x per week.

  • Weekly Client Meeting.

  • Weekly QA/QC Meeting.

  • Weekly HSE Meeting.

  • Project Dashboard for Management & Client issued daily at 17h00.

  • Other meetings as required or requested.

Communication and reporting rules will be established for confirmation by the client consistent with the 6Sigma Communication & Reporting procedure.

Planner/Scheduler will establish the baseline plan in consultation with all members of the bid team and any other relevant stakeholders.

Before the arrival of the rig/vessel, a Project Execution Start-up meeting is held using the 6Sigma Project Execution Start-up Meeting Agenda template. This meeting will include the project team and other representatives of project operations, including as required Project Engineer, PICs, PE and SHEQ, as well as sub-contractors, the client and Classification Society. An important part of this preparation is the SHEQ Department.

Quality/Safety Day, including all relevant project stakeholders, which will be held in terms of the 6Sigma Quality/Safety Day Agenda and which will cover all aspects of the management of Quality and HSSE on the project.

Project Operations will review the transition from the Planning phase to the Execution phase using the 6Sigma Phase Gate #2

Phase 3 – Project Execution

The Execution phase deals principally with the management of the work to be completed so that the outcomes required by the client, within the agreed constraints of time, cost, health & safety, and quality, are delivered in full at a profit margin acceptable to 6Sigma. It is essential to remember that while project risk affects the project right across the PLC, its greatest potential impact lies in the Execution phase. 6Sigma understands this concept only too well. The Project Risk Matrix is used as a guideline.

The following arrangements will be finalized and/or verified with the Client upon commencement of the project:

  • Project plan & schedule.

  • QA/QC requirements including QAP, ITPs and management of Classification Society involvement.

  • HSSE requirements.

  • Communication and reporting including dashboards.

  • Contract administration.

  • VOF administration.

  • SHEQ administration including PTW and related systems.

  • Sub-contractor management including communication and reporting.

  • Use of site facilities and P&G administration.

The SPM will hold both a daily morning meeting and, as frequently as possible but at least three times per week, a schedule review meeting in terms of the 6Sigma Communication & Reporting procedure in particular making use of the Agenda and Minute templates linked with those meetings.

The SPM and Planner/Scheduler will manage the project schedule through tri weekly schedule review meetings and regular meetings with the Client to ensure the project completion date is maintained. This includes the physical work of the project, via workplans and worklists, in consultation with the project engineer and PICs responsible for the various work packages which comprise the SOW, and all relevant interfaces especially with those parts of the schedule which are the responsibility of sub-contractors.

The SPM, PS and relevant PICs will hold a similar meeting with subcontractors as determined by the progress of individual scopes of work.

When necessary, the SPM and Planner/Scheduler, in consultation with the project engineer and PIC(s) responsible for the relevant work package(s), will initiate a Schedule Recovery Plan in response to delays or prospective delays in the project schedule as defined and detailed in the 6Sigma Planning & Scheduling procedure.

The SPM, together with the PICs as applicable, will also be responsible for managing the following elements of the project:

The accurate and continuous measurement of work and work performance to ensure that work completion targets are met and maintained, if not improved.

Project sales, costs and margins through the proper application of the project budget for the achievement of invoicing and payment milestones, through effective management of the project schedule, as agreed with the client.

Project procurement in consultation with procurement officers provided by the commercial department. They will be responsible for ensuring that all procured items for the project are available in the right quantities, at the right price and at the right time, and that OFE items are properly secured, administered and available for use when required.

Project sub-contractors, whether or not appointed on a turnkey basis, and other 3rd parties including the 6Sigma Fabrication Workshop in its role as a contributor to the project.

• The QAP/QCP and HSSE bridging document as applicable to all aspects of the project, including the progressive completion of the Databook so that, by the time the physical work of the project is complete, the Databook will be at least 90% complete.

  • The intermediate project QA/QC officer responsible for QA/QC on the project itself during the Execution phase.

  • The SoW change and VO process in terms of the 6Sigma Variation Order procedure, together with the Project Estimator.

  • All reporting requirements via the 6Sigma Project Dashboards for Management & Clients procedure.

  • In order to maintain consistency in the application of the project contract, the 6Sigma Contract Administration procedure will apply. A commercial representative will be appointed to administer this procedure.

  • The Site Establishment Coordinators will be responsible for all aspects of the smooth running of the project site including the specific interfaces with the project SoW and the services responsible for supporting that work.

  • In consultation with the Site Establishment Coordinators, the proper mobilization and demobilization of the project site. Where the project is executed away from the Port of Cape Town this will include the closure of the project site in consultation with relevant local port authorities.

5.3.7 Project Operations will review the transition from the Execution phase to the Close-Out phase using the 6Sigma Phase Gate #3

Phase 4 – Project Close-Out

The Close-Out phase deals principally with the management of those elements of the project which must be completed so that the project can be handed over in a finished state to the Client, within the agreed constraints of time, cost, health & safety, and quality, and at a profit margin acceptable to 6Sigma.

A Project Close-Out Start-up meeting is held using the 6Sigma Project Close-Out Start-up Meeting Agenda template. This meeting will include the Project Team and other representatives of Project Operations including Project Engineer, PICs and SHEQ, as well as sub-contractors and the Client.

Such testing and commissioning that has not yet been completed during the course of the project must now be completed. This is to demonstrate that the Quality compliance and work completion requirements of the project have been met in full.

Once it has been confirmed that the project is complete, the vessel/rig will be handed over to the client and, once the handover has been confirmed by the client and the vessel/rig accepted as complete by the signing-off of the Handover Certificate, the project-related contractual obligations of 6SIGMA Marine to the client will be deemed to have been met.

Upon effective handover of the project to the client, site demobilization will be initiated and completed as soon as possible consistent with the 6SIGMA Marine Site Establishment procedure. Where the project is executed away from the Port of Cape Town this will include the closure of the project site in consultation with relevant local port authorities.

The final project account will now be compiled by the Commercial department and submitted to the client for approval and payment, consistent with the project contract terms agreed with the client and the resolution of any outstanding issues associated with that.

As soon as possible, after the completion of the project, the project final quality documentation will be completed consistent with 6Sigma Project Final Quality Documentation procedure, leading to finalization of the balance of the Databook for submission to the client for approval using the 6Sigma Databook Index. At the latest, this will be no more than 14 days after the handover of the project.

Project operations will review the transition from the Close-Out phase to the Post-Project Review phase using the 6Sigma Phase Gate #4

Phase 5 – Post-Project Review Phase

A Post-Project Review Start-up meeting is held using the 6Sigma Post-Project Review Start-up Meeting Agenda template and 6Sigma Post-Project Review Procedure. This meeting will include the project team and other representatives of project operations including operations manager, project engineer, PICs, SHEQ and all sub-contractors. The process comprises both an Internal Review, as well as an external review which involves the client, sub-contractors, as well as a closure meeting to make decisions around the disposition of lessons learned and the consequent generation of new procedures or the amendment of existing procedures and documents as necessary.

Internal Review

The SPM, PICs, Planner/Scheduler, Project Estimator and SHEQ officer, and others by invitation, each completes the 6Sigma PPA form and the results are collected and consolidated by the PPR Convener.

The PPR Convener convenes a meeting to debate the results of the internal PPR, make recommendations regarding the findings of the review and tabulate recommendations for changes in the PMS or any individual elements of it.

The PPR Convener ensures that recommendations are reviewed by management and approved for action where appropriate.

Feedback regarding the changes approved for action is provided to all stakeholders and briefings will be held with affected staff members, as necessary, to ensure full understanding of the changes as per the requirements of ISO 9000, 6Sigma’s QMS and the PMS itself.

External Review

The client will be requested to complete the 6Sigma PPA form and the results of this review will be tabulated separately by the PPR Convener. This process could include face-to-face interview(s) with the client or client’s representative.

The PPR Convener, together with OM and SPM and others by invitation, convenes a meeting to debate the results of the external PPR with the client, determine recommendations regarding the findings of the review and tabulate the changes in the PMS, or individual elements of it, required as a follow-on from the findings.

The PPR Convener ensures that recommendations are reviewed by management and approved for action where appropriate.

Feedback regarding the changes recommended is provided to the client.

All changes once approved will be implemented and published to the organization, and briefings will be held with relevant staff members, as required, to ensure full understanding of the changes as per the requirements of ISO 9000, 6Sigma’s QMS and the PMS itself. 


The PPR Convener, together with OM, SPM, CM, PICs and others by invitation, will complete the 6Sigma PPA form to assess the performance of individual sub-contractors on the project, and the results will be tabulated per sub-contractor.

The PPR Convener convenes a meeting comprising OM, SPM, CM and others by invitation, to debate the results of the external PPR for sub-contractors, determine recommendations regarding the findings of the review and tabulate the changes required to be made by individual sub-contractors as a follow-on from the findings.

The PPR Convener will liaise with all sub-contractors affected by the changes recommended to ensure that they are made fully and timeously. 6Sigma will provide to affected sub-contractors such support and assistance as may be necessary to ensure that such changes are made.

Should individual sub-contractors fail to make the recommended changes, or refuse to do so, this may affect, if not jeopardize, their continuing status as project partners with 6Sigma.
